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  • How do I place an order?
    To place an order, use our contact form on our home page or contact us on our social media pages. Mention in the message what you're interested in ordering. You will be contacted at our earliest convenience with further instructions regarding your order.
  • What is your turn-around time?
    Our turn-around time varies on item and your location. Button products take 1-7 business days for production. Screen printed products take 7-14 business days for production. Amount of days for shipping varies on your location. There are rush order options depending on our availability.
  • What do you accept for artwork?
    For all our products, high resolution images will always work best. We accept JPG's for artwork as well as all other file extensions (PSD, AI, PDF, PNG etc.) It is strongly recommended for the screen printed products to have high resolution artwork, 300dpi if possible. We can enhance and adjust artwork for an additional fee if it is necessary.
  • How do we make payment?
    For all payments. We can email you an invoice. The invoice can be paid using a Debit/Credit Card or PayPal account. You DO NOT need a PayPal account to pay the invoice. We also accept payment over Venmo, CashApp and Zelle.
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